PUI - Premiere Urgence International

PUI - Premiere Urgence International


Organisation Type: International NGO

About Us

Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political, and non-religious international aid organization. The organization's teams are committed to supporting civilians who are marginalized or excluded due to the effects of natural disasters, disease, and armed conflict.

In Yemen, PUI aims to help the country's populations affected by the ongoing conflict. This involves delivering comprehensive aid in a coordinated manner to assist people affected by acute humanitarian needs. PUI's activities in Yemen typically include:

  1. Health care: PUI provides primary and secondary healthcare services, including nutrition-related services, and aims to strengthen the capacity of health system actors at every level.
  2. Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH): PUI works to ensure access to clean water, improve sanitation facilities, and promote good hygiene practices to mitigate health risks.
  3. Food Security and Livelihoods: PUI has been known to provide cash assistance to vulnerable families to ensure food security and support the local economy.
  4. Protection: PUI's programs often include elements aimed at protecting vulnerable groups, such as children and the displaced, from violence, exploitation, and abuse.